Mother City

Named after South Africa’s coastal metropolis, Cape Town. Mother City is set at the intersection where the upper world of business, society, and politics meets the underworld of organised crime.

Genre: Crime Thriller
Format: 8×60


Set in Cape Town at the intersection where the upper world of business, society, and politics meets the underworld of organised crime.

Why Sunshine Noir? Our nordic neighbours of the north believe their stories to be a cut above because the landscape and weather intensify the cold-blooded nature of the crime. But at the southern tip of Africa we beg to differ, knowing full well that shadows are darkest where the sun shines brightest.

Enter single mother LOUISE SPENCER A detective for South Africa’s specialised organised crime unit: THE HAWKS Unlike the hard-drinking, hard-smoking, hard-hitting, womanising leading men of the genre, Louise oozes all this badass attitude while actively raising two teenagers.

The murder of a mobster, an attempted hit on the mayor, and the rise of a new shadowy underworld figure named ‘Mama Mafia’, set off a chain of events leading Louise on a journey to navigate MURDER, MOBSTERS and MOTHERHOOD in the MOTHER CITY.